characters: jenna, lindsey, mandy, dr. jerk (a professor of psychology), about 7 other psych majors doing an internship
mood: irritated- it's early; you hate mornings and the professor is late.
Plot: the professor spends an hour talking about herself and how important she is. she goes on to explain how the people you, as interns, will be serving are most likely poor, and therefore stupid and helpless. she also gives you a little "self-esteem" boost by letting you know that you are educated (with less than an undergrad) and in your early 20's, so you WILL know more than your site supervisors and threaten them with all of your fancy knowledge. she is disrespectful and rude the entire session. but, she does tell you to do your internships for the glory of God. no one else in the class seems to notice the disconnect.
theme: peoples perspectives are grossly skewed.- you never want to be so focused on yourself that you hate people who have less (through your actions and demeaning words)... you want to be someone like the people you get to serve and love, because they are humble and real, and appreciate things. they can see real beauty. you never want to be like dr. jerk. you want to help build His kingdom, not break it down.

"it's easy to love the people far away. it's not always easy to love those close to us. it's easier to give a cup of rice to relieve hunger than to relieve the loneliness and pain of someone unloved in our own homes and communities..."
I know exactly what you are talking about...
It's frustrating even reading that..
You have 3 meetings left, just wait till the students start talking like her...its awful..
I honestly think you should share this post with her...i would be hard to do, sure, and it would probably make her not like you...but you are right...and she needs to hear that...i would leave out the Dr. Jerk parts though haha
thats the thing though---this woman does not care.
she thinks she runs the psyc dept and knows more than anyone.
i've talked to other professors and they just say "thats just how she comes across"
uh. right.
i see what your saying though (jarrixd)
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